Argumentative Essay

          Friendships can be divided in many categories. Friendship is best defined as the state of being friends. Friends are persons  whom one knows and with whom one has a bound of mutual affection. People from around the world always are in search of friends. Friends can benefit in many ways, to listen to your sorrows, to calm you in a situation, give the best advice, hear true opinions, share feelings, etc. In general, there are three types of friends, the best friend, the real friend, and the fake friend.

           The first type is the best friend. The best friend is the one who knows you best, passes all of your standards and has proven their loyalty to you. Usually they have the lower expectations of betrayal. An excellent example of them is when you are in a bad situation, the one that knows how to react with you and do the right move. The best friend is always in touch with you, for one thing or another.

           The next type of friends are is the real one. The real friend for me is the most valuable of all. The real friend is the one that is not entirely with you, but you know that always is going to be there for you. The real friends are the least hypocrites of all. A good example of that they can live in another country, doing completely different things to you, but the friendship one day cultivated, remains, and besides, has not changed. They are the harder one to find. However, like the best friend, the real friend is proved and passes all your standards.

           In addition to these types, there is one more; the fake friend. The fake friend is someone that has lived with you something that makes you call them friend, but then, another thing passes and you understand that was your mistake calling them friend. For example the fake friend is a friend that will approach to your girlfriend  right when you finish the relation, the one that tells others about your secrets, the one that wants to take advantage of you. Unfortunately these friends are the easiest to find.

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